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Driving Services


Comprehensive driving services are managed and provided through the Occupational Therapy (OT) Department. This state-certified program is comprised of Certified Driving Instructors (CDI’s) and Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (CDRS’s). Several vehicles and a variety of adapted driving equipment are available for assessment and training purposes. Program services include the following:

Occupational Therapy Driving Evaluation

Occupational Therapists assess vision, perception, cognition and motor skills in order to determine an individual’s feasibility for obtaining a driver’s license. Having a learner’s permit or driver’s license is not a requirement for this service. A driving evaluation is a prerequisite for any other driving service at WWRC.  Following the evaluation, a report is generated with detailed, individualized recommendations. Recommendations may include:

  • Participation in a Learner’s Permit Class
  • Participation in Behind-the-Wheel Driver’s Training
  • Identification of adapted driving equipment and/or an appropriate vehicles
  • Completion of medical clearance with the Department of Motor Vehicles

Learner's Permit Class

Following a driving evaluation, students may be referred for a Learner’s Permit Class. In order to participate in this class, necessary forms of identification, per Department of Motor Vehicle standards, are required. Three options for the Learner’s Permit class are offered:

  1. As a "Stand Alone" service (i.e. a program offered separately from other services at WWRC, such as vocational training). Class size is limited to 6-7 students. Program length is up to 4 weeks with 3 instructional sessions per day.
  2. As a supplemental class for students in a vocational training program

Students that obtain the necessary knowledge upon completion of either class will be taken to the local Department of Motor Vehicles for testing. Student’s diagnoses and/or medications will also be reviewed in relation to DMV requirements.  Education on medical clearance will be provided as needed. 

Driver’s Training

Driver education behind the wheel photo.Behind-the-wheel training can be provided by an Occupational Therapist (OTR/CDRS) and/or a Certified Driving Instructor (CDI). In order to participate in driver’s training, an individual is required to have a valid Learner’s Permit.  This service can be provided as part of a comprehensive medical program or as a “Stand Alone” service.

Students typically participate in two or more driving sessions a day; however, the frequency and length of sessions vary based on the student’s abilities and progress as well as the instructor’s availability.  The typical program length for the Stand Alone service is 4-6 weeks.  If/when a student develops competency in driving skills, they may be taken to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to try for a license.  Medical clearance may be needed in advance.  This will depend on a student’s disability and/or current medication(s) and is up to the DMV to determine.  If a student has a legal guardian, their court order will need to specify driving privileges before they can obtain a driver’s license.

Other Driving Services

  • Evaluation and Training in use of Adapted Driving Controls
  • Evaluation and training in management of mobility devices for vehicles (i.e. loading/unloading wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, etc.)
  • Evaluation of van needs for drivers or passengers who use wheelchairs or scooters
  • Evaluation and Training for Persons that have Bioptic Telescopic Lenses

Contact Information

Email: Admissions

Phone: 800-345-9972, Ext. 5403327065,
or 540-332-7065 | TTY 800-811-7893

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