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Vocational Training Career Readiness Certificate (CRC)

The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) is based on the WorkKeys System designed by American College Testing (ACT) to help predict job behavior and to measure the full potential of individuals. Virginia's CRC is an assessment-based credential that is designed to help describe the abilities of a potential or current employee in three important work-related areas:

  • Applied mathematics
  • Reading for information
  • Locating information

Virginia's Career Readiness Certificate can help:

  • Certify employment skills across multiple industries and companies.
  • Demonstrate specific skills to an employer. It illustrates the basic workplace skills most jobs require and can link to advancing employees' careers.
  • Transition from one industry to another by showing how your current skills can be used in new fields.
  • Enter college if a job seeker or employee has not already begun their post-secondary education.
  • Assist an employee to move up the career ladder into supervision and then onto management in many industry areas.

Vocational Training Services through the Career Readiness Lab will award this certificate after an individual completes a standardized test and meets one of three levels based on performance:

  • Bronze signifies that a recipient possesses skills for approximately 30% of jobs.
  • Silver signifies that a recipient possesses skills for approximately 65% of jobs.
  • Gold signifies that a recipient possesses skills for approximately 90% of jobs.

Career Readiness Certificate Stand-Alone Program

Length: 2-6 Weeks
(available beginning 4/1/14)

There is definitely a growing awareness of the importance of the Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) in obtaining employment. In order to provide better service to the field, WWRC will now be offering a 2-6 weeks Stand-Alone Career Readiness Certificate Program to those clients who may benefit from having the CRC when seeking employment. Along with the CRC, during this program, clients will be given the opportunity to leave WWRC with:

  • A nationally recognized Customer Service Certificate
  • Work Readiness Soft Skills Training
  • Job Seeking Skills Training such as creating a professional resume, improving interview skills and tools for effective job searching

At this time the capacity for this program will be 12 clients. Clients will be rotating out of the program upon completion of the WorkKeys exam.

Training Area Qualifications:

Contact Information

Email: Vocational Training (

Phone: 800-345-9972, Ext. 7383 or 540-332-7383 | TTY 800-811-7893

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The Virginia State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is a group of individuals appointed by the Governor to work on behalf of people with disabilities by serving as a source of advice, information, and support.
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